The virus survives on different surfaces for different lengths of time. A team of researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute investigated this with the help of continuous PCR tests.
The virus is not able to survive alone. It needs the host to reproduce its genetic material and produce new viruses. How long viruses can survive without a host cell depends on many factors. The ambient temperature, humidity, UV radiation, material composition and surface properties have a significant effect on this. Although the number of viruses decreases over time under all experimental conditions, studies also show that the materials remain infectious for very different times.
While the viruses survived up to 72 hours on plastic and up to 48 hours on stainless steel, the viruses could not be detected on cardboard after 24 hours and on copper after four hours.
The goal of the research project at the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Applied Materials Research (IFAM) is to reduce the risk of infection by contact with everyday materials.
Laboratory work with viruses is carried out with particularly strict safety regulations. Model viruses that are comparable are used for PCR assays. However, they are not pathogenic to humans due to their structure, environmental stability and the possibility of disinfection.

Source: Aerosol and Surface Stability Study of SARS-CoV-2 as Compared with SARS-CoV-1, N. van Doremalen, et al (2020)
The polluted air is sucked into the air sterilizer and the virus is destroyed by UV-C ultraviolet radiation. It creates a healthy environment in your workplace or home and thus protects against possible infection.